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Apply for your Swing Into Their Dreams Scholarship Today!

To be considered for the Swing Into Their Dreams Scholarship Program:  Submit all application materials by June 30th. Don’t forget to complete the  FAFSA for priority consideration.






Swing Into Their Dreams Annual Scholarship Selection and Distribution Process





 The Scholarship Selection Committee is formed each spring semester and consists of at least six (6) individuals: SITD Foundation staff, representatives from colleges or universities, and representation from the Foundation Board of Directors (three or four members is the desired amount). Other persons that are deemed suitable to participate may serve on the committee as determined by the SITD Foundation Scholarship Committee Lead.



The committee schedules at least two meetings to review and award scholarships based on criteria set forth by the donor. (See “Scholarship Selection” below for detailed information).



In order to thoroughly and equitably review each scholarship application, two or more committee members will read and score each personal essay. The number of committee members reviewing each essay will depend on the number of committee members and the number of applications received. Essay review typically takes place between one and three weeks after scholarship applications close, which is the end of the Spring Semester.



Essay scores are weighted to reflect the following: Overall Essay (40%), HBCU Program Assignment (40%), and Community/Volunteer Service (20%). An average score of combined readers is calculated to determine the final “Essay Score”. Realizing that not every student is a good writer, we ask committee members to score based on effort and content (committee members are encouraged not to focus on simple grammar and punctuation errors). The weighted scoring percentages may be adjusted from time to time and can be done so at the sole discretion of the Scholarship Selection Committee. Scoring is based on a uniform rubric used by each committee member (see rubric below). Students are notified of essay expectations by Foundation staff, the Foundation website, and scholarship application materials.



Scholarship selection is directed by the criteria specified by each scholarship or endowment agreement. When criteria is not provided or when more than two students qualify for a scholarship, the committee may, at its sole discretion, use some or all of the following criteria to make selections: essay score, demonstrated financial need (Expected Family Contribution from the FAFSA application), GPA, and essay score. The scholarship award process and award selections are based solely on the discretion and oversite of the Swing Into Their Dreams Foundation Board of Directors and the Scholarship Selection Committee.



Students are notified of their application status by email or letter to the address provided on the application. Notification emails/letters to awarded students include the amount of the award and the donor’s name (if applicable), along with a scholarship agreement and information about the scholarship awards ceremony.

Student Requirements (must be met before funds are disbursed)


 1. Return signed a scholarship agreement

2. Provide a personal thank you note or card for each donor

3. Enroll and register for classes

4. Commit to attending the scholarship awards ceremony (with few exceptions)





  • April – June (Spring Quarter)

    • Online applications are available approximately April 15th (spring quarter) through June 30th

    • A scholarship committee is formed

  • Month of July

    • Early – applications/essays are assigned to committee members to read and score

    • Mid–committee meets to make selections

    • Late – students are notified as to the committee’s decision (whether awarded or not)


♣ For students receiving awards, their letter includes:

The name of the donor.

The amount of the scholarship.

A scholarship agreement they must complete and return (including a requirement to attend the Scholarship Awards Breakfast or Virtual Zoom Session in October/November).

♣ In this letter, students are told that their funds will NOT be released through financial aid until they have completed and signed the scholarship agreement and their donor thank you letter to the SITD Foundation Office.

  • August – September

    • Students have until approximately the beginning of Fall semester to turn in the paperwork that was included with their award letter (exceptions are made for students who communicate their circumstance).

    • When a scholarship exceeds $1000 the money is disbursed in thirds for each academic semester (Summer, Fall, and Spring).

    • Exceptions are made on a case-by-case basis.

    • SITD Foundation Staff send letters to donors identifying the students who received their contributions, the personal thank you notes from the awardees, and an invitation to the scholarship award ceremony or virtual Zoom session.

  • Late Fall (date varies)

    • All scholarship recipients are required to attend the scholarship awards ceremony, which is traditionally a breakfast that takes place in October.

    • This event provides an opportunity for donors and students to meet each other.

    • Donors and students are strongly encouraged to attend. They receive written notification/invitation and email and phone follow-ups.

    • Ongoing (at the discretion of SITD Foundation staff in consultation with Financial Aid).

    • Scholarships awarded through this process may be increased or reduced based on student attendance and credit load

    • Additional scholarships may be awarded throughout the year on a case-by-case basis (outside this regular process, based on student need and fund availability).


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